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Special Technical Committees


Recently, we've seen many questions and issues raised around commissioning, particularly in relation to how we proactively manage the process of getting the right outcomes in the built environment. There is also a considerable amount of isolated research and work happening around the country and overseas.

AIRAH created the Commissioning Special Technical Group (STG) to bring together professionals to better understand issues; identify what needs to be done; and collaborate on combined efforts focused on moving the industry forward.

About this topic

Commissioning is the practice of assuring all systems and components of a major piece of equipment, process, building, or similar are designed, installed, and tested according to the operational requirements of the owner or final client.

There are a significant number of “gaps” in the process that lead to poorly commissioned buildings. This results in inefficient performance from both an energy and user experience perspective.

Purpose and aims

AIRAH’s Commissioning STG provides its members with a platform for involvement in issues affecting their industry. This includes policy advice; regulation development; and the development of, and access to, industry-leading advice.

The STG promotes a whole-of-supply chain integrated view. It also encourages best-practice delivery within Australian and internationally.

The committee aims to provide:

Stakeholder education

There is demand for multi-stakeholder involvement and engagement from the sustainability team and facilities managers, through to the executive team.

Maintenance models

Traditional maintenance models based on AIRAH's DA19 HVAC&R Maintenance, for example, are based on a lack of equipment level visibility. These models are currently undergoing change and, as such, the prescriptive industry guides that promote them need to adapt. There is a role for industry here in a practical sense with updating industry best practice guides on maintenance and on typical costs, to help guide building owners.

Energy performance

Improvements in understanding the relationship that best practice commissioning has upon energy efficiency.


Better understanding of the need for integrated testing and commissioning as many systems interact with others to obtain the desired outcome.

Tertiary-level education

There is a lack of awareness regarding commissioning with respect to tertiary-level education in the HVAC engineering space. In many cases, syllabuses have not caught up with the speed of adoption for many commissioning practices. There is a role for industry to play here to help bridge this gap.

Policy guidance

The STG will serve as a reference point for government in shaping relevant policy relating to the environmental, economic, and social impact of HVAC&R and related systems.

Advocacy and influence

The STG will make submissions on behalf of members to influence policy setting (as collectively agreed upon), and work with government at all levels to establish workable regulations, frameworks, and guidelines.

Identify and seek funding for collaborative projects

The STG will identify and seek external funding for collaborative projects that support its objectives and aims of AIRAH and its members.

Considered, integrated, and technically objective guidance

The STG will provide guidance to the HVAC&R industry to develop a considered, integrated, and technically objective approach to big data and analytics.

The creation of special interest groups (where needed)

Where needed, the STG will create special interest groups led by industry knowledge champions. These will help to further the interests of the Committee.

Committee members

Associate Director

Mr Paul G. Jackson, F.AIRAH


Scott Whitmore, Affil.AIRAH


Barry Harrington


Damien Arandt, Affil.AIRAH


Dan Dainard, M.AIRAH


Faizal Gordon, Affil.AIRAH


Ian Wills, M.AIRAH


James Hill


Liam Saadat, Affil.AIRAH


Mark Elliott, M.AIRAH


Mark Jacobson, M.AIRAH


Michael Riese, M.AIRAH


Mr Anthony Carter, M.AIRAH


Robert Simic, M.AIRAH


Simon Knight, M.AIRAH


Steve Castell, Affil.AIRAH

See our other STGs

AIRAH's Special Technical Groups represent the major areas of the dynamic HVAC&R building services field.